Where is Lee?


I'm back home.

TCR2015 was a arduous event filled with some big highs and some all time lows.
I certainly learned a few things.

I finished.
I finished with no medical issues (my hands work and I have no groin complaints).
I finished for the finish party.
I finished in 13 days, 3 hours and 33 minutes.
I finished 12th.
Then when all the time penalties were added I was moved up to 11th.

Check here for the 2015 results and finishers list.

While i'm happy / content finishing 11th, 13 days did not feature in my worst race scenarios, I live and learn.
I will return.

I'm currently writing up the reportage but you are welcome to check out the photos on flickr.com

Thanks for reading,
now go and ride your bike.
Useful links -
Official TCR Updates - Official Lee Updates - Official Satellite Tracker
Open to everyone Tweets containing #TCR2015 news as it happens.
Official Facebook Discussion Group - Official Transcontinental Race Website
Official @pollyhound Twitter Feed
Rider #29 Lee Pearce - Transcontinental Race 2014 - Blog